Soul Alignment
The things that bring you the greatest joy are in alignment with your purpose.
~ Jack Canfield

Would you love to honor all parts of yourself? To reconnect with your Higher Self? To remember and re-align with Your Divine Soul?
All you are seeking is already here. Within you. You are already connected.
You are already whole and complete. And the guidance and connection you seek is always available to you.
But are you open to it? Do you hear it? Do you trust it?
Whether you feel like you were born into a world which just doesn’t get you, or you’ve been through a larger than life transformation and transition and want to reconnect with the deepest parts of your self.
Let me guide you to remember your wholeness through deepening your connection to spirit, ritual and soul Let me help you reclaim the deepest parts of yourself/and your shadow and bring them back to the light. Connect and aling with your soul.
If you’re open to crystals, drumming, angelic assistance, singing bowls,
animal totems, Reiki, intuitive insights and channeled messages, join me in creating a
heart-centered personalized healing session just for you.
This is entirely about you. Its all about you and what you need in this moment.
I work with souls who are seeking guidance, without judgement, truth without lectures,
and deep connection to self, spirituality and ritual.
I will hold space for you.
Evolution. Transformation. Ascension.
My personalized soul alignment healing sessions for all souls:
as an empath, healer, or sensitive creative soul you know how important self care is, and looking after your own energy. You are looking for added support energetically and spiritually.
You are longing to reconnect within, to your soul, spirituality and heart centered feminine or masculine, and want a sacred heart-centered space to guide you home to yourself and your divine truth
feel like a piece of you is missing, like you are broken, like there is a darkness inside. You know there are parts of yourself that you have locked away. There is shame and fear, and you are scared to show them to the world, your friends and family – for fear of being judged and ridiculed.
feel lost and disconnected from yourself and others around you.. You feel misunderstood,
under-appreciated and unsure of who you are.
are going through major life changes and transitions including, a spiritual awakening, transitioning to motherhood or fatherhood, a career or relationship changes, the passing of a loved one, letting go of old situations, friends, feelings, and relationships that no longer feel right
want to go deeper with your healing and spiritual awakening journey, find your voice and self expression, and move into alignment with your souls calling.
As each session is spiritually supported and intuitively guided, no two sessions are the same.
They are based on what you need at the time and can include a combination many modalities.
-Ancient shamanic practices
-Medicine drum journeys
-Vibrational healing
-Crystal therapy
-Sacred oils and essences
-Reiki and Crystal Reiki
-Angel Therapy
-Oracle and divinational cards
-Guided meditation
-Soul retrieval and/or past life learning
-Spirit guide messages
-Spiritual and trance mediumship messages
I may draw on any of these modalities, and trust the spiritual guidance that I receive from your team of sacred guardians as to what your soul, energy body and spirit need at the time.
This combination provides a personalized session like no other and the benefits are numerous.
wholeheartedly love, honor and accept all of you – just as you are
reclaim all the parts of yourself
honor your shadow and your light
deepen your spiritual connection within, to your soul and your sacred guardians
achieve a greater depth of relaxation and deeper meditation
quiet your monkey mind chatter and give you the time to just BE
balance your emotions, reconnect with your inner feminine or masculine
open up your creativity and help with the expression of that creativity and your truth
feel more confident in your own skin, and self assured
open up your intuition and psychic senses and be able to connect with your sacred guardians
feel happier, calmer, more relaxed
feel energized and creative
align, clear and balance your chakras and energy field
Please note, your ability to heal, release and transforms depends on your openness and willingness to work with the energetics available.. I do not do the healing for you. I work with the energy of the crystals, the Archangels, along with your angels and guides, to send the healing energy through to you.and your auric body. This cleanses, balances and realigns them which enables your body to release and heal. I am just the conduit. I hold a sacred space for you to heal, however you are ultimately for the level of healing and release you experience.