Earth Medicine
The Earth does not belong to us,
We belong to the Earth.
- Chief Seattle

My Earth Medicine is of Earth based spirituality, psychology, and connection to all sentient beings while ecologically supporting the Earth and thriving in our modern society.
Earth Medicine is for people of all beliefs, ethnicities, and identities, who want a deeper relationship and to live in vibrational harmony with Mother Earth. Some of these practices can include meditation, chanting, smudging, massage, natropathy, astrology, Reiki, fasting, visualization, vibrational healing, energy healing, plant medicine healing, and shamanic journeying.
All of these ancient and sacred modalities are used to gain a better understanding of our self, vibrate expansively, and to connect other, like-minded souls. We learn to heal our physical and mental bodies and how to model healing for others from a healthy, compassionate and respectful perspective.
Please remember that although we choose a spiritual and holistically based lifestyle, this does not imply that medicine or any medical treatment is not welcomed. Using common sense when appropriate is necessary to our human health and well being. We live in an age of technological advancement and should be taken advantage of when or if possible. Always seek medical attention from your physician or health practitioner if there is an emergency.