Crystal Vibes
Crystals are living beings at the beginning of creation. - Nikola Tesla
Finding the right stone for you is the key to attuning yourself to crystal power. You'll probably start by searching for a crystal that holds the power you want to manifest.
Use your intuition to pick the crystal or mineral that suits you. Once you find the crystal that feels right within your energy, make sure to cleanse and empower it before using it! .
Crystals have always been regarded as a source of power. Impressive no matter their size, crystals and gems hold an aura of mystery and authority. From prehistory to the present, crystals have symbolized wealth and held wondrous, magical properties.
Each crystal has its own unique energy signature. These templates of light are encoded with all you need to activate your own power. The key is to find a crystal that is attuned to your own personal energy or that raises your energetic resonance to ensure well-being and expand your consciousness.

Crystal Power
Your new Crystals or minerals should be cleansed and activated to bring their power to life - and must be kept clean to maintain that power! There is no good in buying or finding a crystal, putting in your pocket and expecting it to work miracles. That will only happen if you have asked it to!
Treat your crystals with respect and work with them in partnership. They will repay you with years of devoted and loving service.
Selecting a Crystal
After you have found your crystal, take a moment to feel the energy of this particular crystal. Hold it in your hands and feel its vibrations radiating into your be-ing.
Does it feel good? Does it compliment your energy?
If you feel calm and peaceful, this might be a good choice for you. If you feel uncomfortable in any way, this crystal may not be right for you at this time.
Crystal Cleansing or Purifying
Crystals pick up energy from anyone who handles them and from their surrounding environment and will need a good cleansing before and after use.
Purify your crystal by holding under clean, purified running water - as long as it is one that will not dissolve or fragment. While running under water, ground yourself and attune your intention and energy into this crystal.
You may want to then set it in sun or moonlight to energize it.
Other ways of purifying crystals:
Visualize healing white light around it
Smudge with sage
Bathe in candlelight
Let sit overnight in uncooked rice
Drumming or Singing bowl vibrations
Charging Your Crystals
Crystals work in cooperation with your energy to focus and manifest your intentions. Be very clear about why you are working with the crystal and ensure you are working for the highest good of all.
Crystals can also be depleted of energy. Keep them clean and charged at frequent intervals - although there are some crystals that do not need charging and work to empower other crystals, they would still love a good cleansing to work at the highest level of efficiency.
Citrine, selenite - either satin spar selenite or selenite - and kyanite are great for charging your crystals.
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Crystal Power - Activate!
To active the power of your crystal, hold the purified crystal in your hand, ground and connect with your source of soul, focus your intention and bring the light to it and say something like:
"I dedicate this beautiful crystal to the highest good of all and ask that its power be activated now to work in harmony with my own will and intention."
If you have a specific purpose, add that to your dedication. To deactivate the crystal, cleanse it first then hold the crystal and say something like:
"I thank this crystal for its power it has shared with me but is no longer needed at this time. I ask that the source of power be closed until reactivated."
Place the crystal in the sun to recharge it, and then place it somewhere safe, preferably in a cool dark space like a jewelry box or drawer until it is needed again. Or you may just want to display it somewhere in your home.
Crystal Shapes and Structures
When working with crystals or minerals, think of what are your intentions for using a particular structure or shape, and apply its meaning in your practice.
For example, if you are wanting to create abundance and prosperity, select a cluster of crystals as clusters work on manifesting abundance. Then, consider the type of crystal you would like to manifest those intentions. Citrine comes in cluster form and is a favorite for manifesting abundance, prosperity and wealth.
Also note that not every crystal or mineral is available in every shape or structure. Finding a cluster of Rose Quartz is not possible but using Clear Quartz, Amethyst, Apophyllite, or Celestite may be an alternative.
There are many choices of crystals to work with any issue and selecting the correct one should be based on your preferred choices.
If the crystal or mineral is not available in the shape or structure you would like, I often recommend trying to obtain the specific shape in Clear Quartz and pairing it with your desired crystal of choice. Clear Quartz is known for being the Master Healer and will amplify the energy of any stone.